Sunday, July 08, 2007

Rub a dub dub, always in the tub

Lately I've taken a lot of baths. I shower regularly like everyone else, and I like the occasional bath, but lately I've been taking a lot of them. I usually try to shower no more than once a day or else my hair & skin gets really dry. Lately, getting in the tub after work has felt awesome. I used to just get on the couch to rest my feet and stuff, but getting in the tub seems to feel a bit better. I shave my legs when I take a bath, and I can't seem to get through a bath without shaving, so my legs have been fairly hairless lately as well. I think I took 3 baths last week in addition to the standard daily shower. It's only Sunday and already I've taken a bath. I do sweat a lot at work because it's friggin hot in that store, and I used to just come home, unwind and just shower in the morning. Then I started washing my face after work because I can just feel the grit from sweating all day. Then I started showring after work, but my feet hurt and standing in the shower didn't help, so I started to just run baths after work. What will this turn into? I'm worried I'm gonna start relying on taking a shower every morning and a bath every night. Water's included in my rent, but still, running a bath is kind of a hassle. I'm hoping I'll get over this soon. It could be the heat getting to me though. Heat & I have never gotten along. Cold & I are old buddies. Come back winter! I love you!

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