Sunday, July 02, 2006

Mouse Drama

So we have 3 mice: Buster, Benny & Boris. We brough Boris home today, and he's like half the size of Buster & Benny. We had separated Buster & Benny because Benny was being mean to Buster. Buster and Boris seemed to get along okay from the start, but then we noticed they snatched food items out of each other's hands, which we had also noticed with Benny & Buster in the beginning. Soon Buster had Boris bleeding, so we separated them and put Benny back in with Buster. Then Benny made Buster bleed, so now all 3 of them live separately. My poor little mice, hopefully they can heal up. The pet store lady put Boris in a little box for us, and we fed him plain Cheerios while we waited for the bus, and he was so cute munching his Cheerios. He held them in his little pink hands like they were big donuts, that was funny.

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