Monday, July 24, 2006

Animal friends and human friends

I finally figured out what to do with the mice. They live in a 10 gallon tank with quilter's template material sectioning it off. All is quiet in Mouseville (except when Boris tries to scale the quilter's template walls).
Salvador the hamster has joined the family, and Sunny & Sandy don't like his ways, but he doesn't like theirs, either. I have been a good hamster mom though by showing Sunny & Sandy they don't have to worry, and by showing Salvador he needs to watch his back in Sunny & Sandy's house.
Violet the kitten has moved into Matthew's mother's place. She's easy to entertain--she's a kitten, so that's no surprise. She likes to sleep on top of Matthew when he's there. Her claws are sharp, but her intentions are good, and her curiosity is constant.
Bree has been coming over and helping me clean, which is nice. Our place is looking pretty nice right now. We have been so dang bored, that's why.
Everyone has been worrying about me because I haven't been online. Well my laptop has been especially touchy and my oldie computer has been mad at modems. It has modem rage. Any modem gets installed and it's like "You talkin' to me? ARE YOU TALKIN' TO ME?!?!" And I'm like "YES OF COURSE IT IS! YOU NEED DRIVERS! YOUR LIFE IS ALL ABOUT DRIVERS! Can't you just accept ONE device upon it being plugged into you without going all 'AHEM!! NEW DEVICE!! NEW DEVICE!!' on me?!" I think me & the old compy are gonna hafta have a long talk, or a new motherboard or something.

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