Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Of Mice and Men and other things

Well I got tired of the mice jumping their walls in the 10 gallon tank (one mouse=the behavior of 3 standard 2 year olds). They would hop into one of the others' section and start fights, steal food, steal bedding and just plain make trouble. I almost took those guys back to the pet store because of the trouble they are. If you want pet mice, get ONE and keep it in a TANK, not a cage! Make sure it has a SECURE screen top! I threw all 3 mice into one little bucket-type cage so I could clean the 10 gallon. THEY DIDN'T FIGHT! I was agape! They groomed each other! I cleaned the 10 gallon and didn't put the dividers in, just the mice. Benny bullied Buster and Boris, so I removed him and placed him back in the bucket cage. Surprisingly, Buster and Boris not only got along, but they worked together to build ONE nest that they SHARED! I couldn't believe it! They were grooming each other and napping in this little nest made of newspaper! I was glad to see that.
Salvador the hamster had his belly dipped in hydrogen peroxide a few times this past week just because his belly had an infectious sore on it. He seems fine now, although his back end is turning a bit blonde, so I won't be dipping him too much more. I also couldn't afford to take him to the vet, and I am pleased to find the treatments we provided in our own home have been successful.
Violet the kitten's recent behavior has been unacceptable. Matthew's mother has had just about enough of her. Seems that at the pet store, Violet was using the litterbox, but at home, this is a rare occurrence. If Violet doesn't learn soon, Matthew says his mother can go make a fuss at the pet store, she might just go with an adult cat. If I want to, I can probably make a fuss about Salvador's belly being infected if it seems to get bad again, after all, we bought him after another hamster beat him up, so I'm pretty sure that's what's up. Let me show you a picture of Salvador and of Violet.
Salvador is in the middle with the black eyes:

Here's Violet the kitten:

So much more has been going on, but I can post about that if I feel like it.

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