Wednesday, August 23, 2006

How do I start this post...

Well I guess it's time to tell you guys. After meeting Matthew back on October 30, 2003, having a relationship with him, and being married to him for a year and 3 months, I guess we've reached the end. Matthew still likes me and wants to be my friend, but he doesn't love me anymore, and honestly, I don't love him anymore either, so we're getting a divorce and I am moving back to Minnesota to live with my parents until who knows what (or who) else comes along. Sunny, Sandy, Salvador, Benny, Buster, and Boris are not allowed to come with me. Sunny is my precious angel, and I love him dearly, and he will always be my best friend. He has been since our eyes met at the pet store. Steve, Vince, and Jack are coming with me, and Gary & Tiny Tim might be too. Oscar is going back to live with Matthew's mom, who we originally adopted him from. I am asking my friends and co-workers if any of them want to adopt the others. Matthew has assured me that if I can't find other homes for them, he will take them in. He has a web cam, and as soon as he installs the software for it, I would be able to see all my furry friends (as long as Violet is shut in the bathroom for that!). I will do my best to be online when I can so my web site ( can stay up to date, and I will continue to produce "Goings On." Lately there HAVE been lots of goings on as far as acquiring new animals and what not, but I haven't had the time to do them up, I will do my best to get back into them. I really don't want to quit my job at the fabric store, but I don't really have a choice. I hope to find a job that pleases me just as much when I move. Feel free to email me ( and I will VERY likely get back to you as soon as I can. Sorry for the sad news, and I hope to be posting happy news again soon.

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