Sunday, August 13, 2006

No Strawberries??

I'm mad because Wal*Mart doesn't have strawberries anymore. Is it ALREADY an out-of-season item??
I realize my last billion posts have been about the mice, and I'm sorry if that has been like snooze-o-rama. Remember when Odd Todd first got Roscoe, and that was ALL he posted about on his web site? I guess it's kinda like that--we're just proud pet parents. I posted Sunny's "cowardly lion face" on Hamsterino a little bit ago. That picture makes me laugh, it's actually my wallpaper! I'm gonna take that little face and make an avatar for different sites I use!! Sunny is forever the expressive critter around here. He is the big screechy drama queen and the squinty cowardly lion. Hey, at least life with these critters NEVER gets old, that's for sure.
So my buddy from MN called me up today, guess he's back from Africa, which makes me happy. He left me a message with a phone number but I can't hear part of it!! He says he'll call me tomorrow again anyway.
My laptop has been somehow working again, so me & my buddy from Scotland talked all night tonight. Well, it was all night for him, for me it was like 10:30pm to 3:00am, but for him it was 3:30am to 8:00am or thereabouts. But we had a good time and I laughed my butt off, which was nice because nothing in my life lately has been funny in the least.
I FINALLY got my review at work today, and I was given a raise, which will sort of help I guess. At least I know exactly how well I do now. I got the "report card" for what I'm doing, so that's good.

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