Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Scottish guys and furry critters

So I'm glad my laptop has just decided to work again, or at least for a while, because I like being able to talk to my buddy from Scotland. And my People PC surprised me by working, too! Yay!
The hamsters just surprised me with a sudden explosion of hamster stink. What the heck, furballs? I guess I'll be cleaning their cage tonight then. Sal won't stop trying to eat our fingers. Buster and Boris fight a lot, but nobody is getting hurt. I'm too worn out to be running into the kitchen to stop mouse fights, I just let 'em disagree. As long as nobody's bleeding, they're fine. Sal keeps making Benny squeak. I don't think I want to know what's going on in that cage. Although I put Sunny & Sandy back in their old cage with the wheel, I don't think the plastic TV-shaped hideout is exactly motivating them. Oh well. At least they have vegetable pieces in their food bowl...even though the food bowl is in front of the darn TV...whatever.

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