Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thanksgiving in All its Northern Minnesota Glory

It's really friggin windy out, and my building is old, so my windows don't really seal, and my curtains are moving. But hey, not only do I not have to pay for my heat, I am actually allowed to adjust it!! The radiator turny thing isn't painted over like other landlords have it. So I turned the heat up for the night. Maybe sometime the landlord can come and caulk around the windows or something. Here at the edge of the Earth, some cranky people dwell. In this neighborhood, I have seen great displays of shouting, carrying on, even screaming. Luckily on this Thanksgiving night, a lady down the hall proved to be very nice! This was nice for me after having to hear a high-strung dad deal with his total brat kids across the street from me. At least the neighbor kids were behaving themselves and taking turns riding the ATV on the grass. And my dad grilled tonight! I don't trust people enough to throw a grill on the porch, so I look to my dad for grilled food when I visit my parents, and he never disappoints. As windy as it was and as much trouble as that was for his grilling, the turkey burgers were most tasty! Mom made fries in the oven, and I didn't have to make anything, although I did do my laundry at their house. And I had an RC Cola. I push Coke aside for RC Cola--I even push Pepsi and Shasta aside for it. I got my mouse so I wouldn't have to use the worn out clicky thing on my laptop, and I grabbed my box of plastic canvas supplies because I have a host of patterns to choose from now, so I have no excuse not to stitch in my free time. And last night I cleaned my kitchen, so I got to come back home to a clean kitchen for once. The hermit crabs might get an extra hermit crab cake tonight just to simulate typical Thanksgiving dining habits.

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