Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Secret to Why I Smell Good and other pics

I smell good, and people sometimes ask me what I use. Allow me to show you:

Left to right: Suave Ocean Breeze shampoo, Suave Ocean Breeze conditioner, Suave Ocean Breeze bodywash, Suave Ocean Breeze body lotion. That's my big secret, and that whole works is less than 5 bucks at Wal*Mart.
I have this thing in my room, and it's really handy when I need to take my pills (tilt your head to see, I was too lazy to rotate this picture):

Last week, my normally well-behaved razor decided it was tired of obeying, and it really showed me who's apparently boss:

I suppose now you're ready to write me an angry email about showing off a wound, but I'm not even worth yelling at--you should see some of Odd Todd's stuff--I have seen so many pictures of his big hairy feet and stuff, and he posts about his dog's crap, and although that's kinda unsavory, it's still funny. I'm not a wuss like lots of people, I can handle things. I can watch a mouse clean his tail while eating gummi worms, that's easy. And anyway, mice are cute, especially when they clean their tails.

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