Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Key Bored

I really like my Casio MT-240. it belonged to Grandpa Williams and the demo on it is the friggin best song EVER, seriously. That song is GREAT, it's catchy and I've always loved it. I like playing it, and I've been playing it a lot lately. I felt like they keys were a little small though, and I'm used to an actual piano, which has "normal" sized keys. Grandma & Grandpa had a really nice keyboard upstairs at their house they let me take, and although the keys are great because they're full size, the sound isn't the same. It's a Casio CA-110. I do love playing it because the keys are full size. It wears my arms and fingers and wrists out pretty quickly but I really should be playing it because of the size of the keys. This got me thinking, we have quarter size violins and small guitars, we really should have pianos with keys that are the MT-240 size for children who are learning piano. I'm a grown up and I have trouble sometimes with the stretches between keys in some of the songs, and kids who are taking piano lessons must have more trouble than me. Here's a picture comparing the sizes, the bottom one's keys are the same size as those on a piano.

I'm still working on recording the demo from the MT-240 into mp3 or wav format to put on my iPAQ to listen to on the go. Yes, the song really is that good.

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