Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Back of truck=rocket?

I just got done laughing my hot bootay off over Alana's blog posts about her hamster Binky. Escpecially the one about him thinking he could get a 9 inch long stick through the like mouse-sized doorway of a plastic igloo. That is so freaking funny, I was in tears man. Sunny & Sandy can be like, I guess if hamster can be retarded, I think they might be sometimes. And apparently, they aren't the only hamsters out there that do WEIRD freakin things. Yesterday I was at Bree & Peter's place helping Matthew help them move, and Bree & I were in the back of the truck when we went to McDonald's in the middle of the night for some supper. So Peter went through the drive through and Bree paid for everyone. I got nuggets of course, and Bree & I were wondering why Peter wasn't pulling over into the parking lot so we could eat. She had to shout at him through his open window and we finally pulled into Hannaford's parking lot and sat and ate the fast food on the tailgate. When we were finished eating, Peter chased Bree around the truck. Peter has one real leg and one prosthetic, and he was slicker on his one real leg than she was on two! So this is where it got freaking weird. We were supposed to go back to their old place and get the rest of the stuff out so I could finish vacuuming. So Peter rolls up his window, and Matthew his, and I am like "yo--guys you hafta keep your windows open," but they didn't give a flying poop or whatever. So Peter was like flying around the corners and knocking us around back there over the bumps and stuff, and there was half a load back there so he couldn't see us, and all that crap was smashing into us, and I loved the cold wind but was annoyed by Peter's driving (he is of course a cab driver in the area, surprise surprise), and Bree was getting cold and super angry, and we flew past their old house and me & Bree were like "WTF?!?!" Bree had to yell at Peter to open his window because he CLAIMED he didn't know what the plan was, he was headed towards their new place with that half load we had. She had such a fit, she was super mad at Peter, Matthew & I took a walk together to let them be alone. I had to work today, and I didn't get home last night until like 1:30, but I was somehow fine today at work. Bree is all bruised up from the rough ride in the truck, and she dropped a whole bunch of things on her toes yesterday. I'm still feeling the burn in the back of my nose from when Peter suddenly stopped at a red light and I was swallowing root beer. How could those 2 idiots forget that their wives were in the back of the freaking truck? Then again, they're husbands, they just do what they do. In the end we got all their stuff moved, and their hamsters were confused all day long over riding in the back of the truck and sitting in the dark for an hour because nobody left a lamp on for them until they came back later. Hopefully Bree saved me some Chex mix for when I come back!

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