Sunday, June 04, 2006

Steve and stuff

So we got a hermit crab last night, his name is Steve. He's mucho coolio, so much so that I wish I had a pair of Barbie shades just for his pictures. Hermit crabs take more care than you would think, but I am prepared to give Steve everything he needs. AOL wouldn't let me post him on my web site last night, but he's up today.
I cleaned the apartment some today, I'll probably do more tomorrow night after work. I was supposed to have the day off but my manager called me today to see if I wanted to work, and I said that was fine. I'll just have Matthew do everything I was gonna go do, he's okay with that. I'll just hand him the grocery list and the Wal*Mart list and laundry money and send him on his way. I decided Sundays are gonna be pet care days. Arnold & Gary will get their tanks checked for cleanliness, and if it's needed, Sunday is gonna be the tank cleaning day for them, they love their shiny, washed tanks. Saturday night is gonna be Steve's "Splish-Splash" night. Hermit crabs need a bath once a week, and he gets "Splish-Splash on a Saturday night." Sundays will be hamster cage cleaning day and peanut treat day. We decided to only give peanuts as special treats, so Sundays I'll give them out. Sounds-a good to me.

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