Friday, June 02, 2006

Blogs 'n things

So I just made a plain ol' regular blog. The word "blog" is stupid, but whatever, I wanted a regular, daily-type, whatever-blog, so here it is. I'm hoping it doesn't rain tomorrow because South Glens Falls is supposedly having a village-wide garage sale. What fun that could be--WITHOUT rain. I would definitely still go, but that is a long freaking walk, and Matthew's grandparent's won't go if it's raining, so if it was, we would be without a ride. It better not freaking rain, ever since being stuck in NY, I haven't been rummaging, that really freaking blows. Today was Matthew's last day at McDonald's, he's going to look for a different job. He likes working there but it's pretty hard on his body. His pacemaker isn't giving him trouble, it's his medication, and McDonald's isn't gonna be the right job for him. I think he'll be able to find something else, I don't care if he's a cashier at Cumby's, that would actually be okay. I signed us up for "Do Not Call" yesterday, that was a great idea. I DON'T FREAKING WANT MAGAZINES, DON'T CALL ME AND OFFER 'EM TO ME! NOW YOU CAN'T!! HAHAHAHA!!

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