Sunday, June 11, 2006

Sunday again

So all the bikers are going home because Americade is wrapping up for the year. I actually thought I would see more bikers, there were lots last year, but whatever, there's always plenty here when Americade is NOT going on.
So I cleaned the hamsters' cage. They have been VERY mean to each other lately and very bitey and screechy. I don't know what's up.
So apparently the ultrasound I had back in JANUARY had results that I should have been notified about, but nobody called me. I had an appointment on Thursday, and THAT's when I found out that APPARENTLY I have been forming cysts in my right ovary!! Nobody bothered to let me know about this! So I am having another on Thursday, and the doctor assured me she would actually CALL me with results. If I don't hear from anybody 2 weeks after that, I am gonna call em up all mad wanting my results. I was frigging WONDERING why I was having so much pain! Stupid NY people!!!! What else is new? Sheesh!
Well I'll be working a lot this week, so Matthew better get off his unemployed butt and keep this place clean, he's starting to make me very mad.
Whatever, I'm done typing. Effit.

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